

재단소개 아름다움과 자연의 신비를 담은 대한민국 '습지' 경상남도환경재단이 지켜 나갑니다.

Gyeongnam Ramsar Environmental Foundation


Gyeongnam Ramsar Environmental Foundation was established in 2008 under an Ordinance of Gyeongnam Provincial Government in order to protect the wetlands and to increase public awareness on the importance of environment.

the "Ramsar" in the name of the Foundation came from the Ramsar Convention on wetlands. the Convention was adopted in the Iranian city of Ramsar in 1971 to protect waterfowls that migrate beyond the borders and wetlands all around the world.

Since the Ramsar COP10 held in Changwon, Gyeongnam, Republic of Korea in 2008, the Foundation has been leading wetland conservation in Gyeongnam Province under the spirit of the Ramsar Convention.

Financial Supporters

the Foundation is being funded by the Gyeongnam Provincial Government and three private companies, which are Gyeongnam Bank, Gyeongnam Nonghyup (National Agricultural Cooperative Federation), and STX Shipbuilding Group.

the Foundation is a legally registered organization to the Korean Tax Authority for donations. Your donation will make a difference in our precious environment.

Main Activities

  • Research projects on wetlands in Gyeongnam Province
  • Education and Public Awareness programs on wetlands
  • National and International Wetland Network support program

Organization and contacts

Team Name
Executive Director Kim, Yong Jin
Management Administration Team (Team Leadedr) Lee, Dong Ju
Kim, Yeo Ul
Yang, Hye Jeong
Planing and Coordination Team (Team Leadedr) Lee, Hyun Ju
Ha, Gyeong Geun
Park, So Young
International Cooperation Team (Team Leadedr) Beak, Chung Yeol
Lee, So Hee
Heo, Ae Rim
Academic Research Team (Team Leadedr) Lee, Yun Tae
Lee, Eun Hee



  • Postal Address : 424, Sejin-ri, Yueo-myeon, Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea
  • Telephone : 82-55-533-9562
  • Fax : 82-55-533-9567


  • Postal Address : 257, Jungang-daero, Uichang-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea
  • Telephone : 82-55-287-8302~8304
  • Fax : 82-55-827-8305



A world where there is abundant life
due to the growth of healthy wetlands.


Restoration of Wetlands and Promotion of Public Perception of
Efficient Value to Humans and Nature in Wetlands

Four Policy Issues

Wetland Policy Support - Investigate and conduct research on the natural environment - Implementation of the wetland conservation plan
Wetland Information Exchange - Establishing a network of wetlands in and out of the country - Operation of the wetting center and publication of publications
Support for wetland activities - Support for training of wetland scientific personnel - Support for excellent projects by private organizations
the promotion of the people's awareness of the city. - Ramsar Ecology and Culture Academy - Development of a program to participate in the management of wetlands by the residents